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Pose Guide: Pageant Queen

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First up is the "Pageant Queen", our easiest pose and the one we usually start all our photoshoots with.

woman on a beach wearing a red flying dress

To help you recreate the "Pageant Queen" pose, you can follow these detailed instructions:

1. Stand on the Beach:

- Find a spot on the beach with a clear view of the ocean in the background.

- Ensure the sand is smooth and free of any debris for a clean look.

2. Body Position:

- Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, one foot slightly in front of the other to create a natural, relaxed stance.

- Angle the body slightly to the side, turning the torso towards the camera. This adds dimension and elegance to the pose.

3. Hand Placement:

- One hand should rest on the hip. This creates a confident and strong stance.

- The other hand should hold the edge of the dress, lifting it high above the shoulder to create a dramatic, flowing effect.

4. Holding the Dress:

- Ensure the dress is held securely but gracefully, with the fabric extended to create a flowing line that mimics the wind blowing.

- The fabric should be taut but not stretched too tightly to maintain a natural flow.

5. Facial Expression and Head Position:

- Tilt the head slightly towards the hand on the hip.

- Keep the expression confident and regal, with a slight smile to convey grace and elegance.

6. Leg Position:

- The front leg should be straight, and the back leg can be bent slightly. This pose creates a dynamic line and adds to the overall elegance.

- Ensure toes are pointed slightly inward or forward for a natural stance.

7. Dress Flow and Wind Effect:

- If possible, have a dress assistant help with creating the wind effect by lifting and releasing the fabric gently.

- Time the photo to capture the moment when the dress is at its peak flow.

8. Final Touches:

- Check the overall alignment and make sure the pose looks natural and fluid.

- Adjust any small details, such as the angle of the head or the height of the dress, to perfect the pose.


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